Sunday 24 June 2012

Kuliah Fiqh Ibadah (Resensi)

Judul buku                    : Kuliah Fiqh Ibadah
Pengarang                    : Syakir Jamaluddin, M.A
Penerbit                        : LPPI UMY
Tempat terbit                : Yogyakarta
Tahun terbit                  : 2010
Cetakan ke-                 : 1
Jumlah halaman  : 298 halaman
            Syakir Jamaluddin adalah seorang dosen di Fakultas Agama Islam Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Ia menjabat sebagai Ketua Lembaga Pengkajian dan Pengamalan Islam (LPPI) UMY sejak tahun 2008. Sebelum menerbitkan buku “Kuliah Fiqh Ibadah”, ia juga telah menerbitkan dua buku lainnya, diantaranya “Etika Bercinta Ala Nabi: Pendekatan Kritik Hadits (LPPI UMY, 2009)” dan “Shalat Sesuai Tuntunan Nabi SAW: Mengupas Kontroversi Hadits Sekitar Shalat (LPPI UMY, 2008)”.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Complete School Facilities does not Guarantee the Students’ High Quality

Good morning ladies and gentlemen
                To begin with, I would like to tell a story that I have read on The story is about a girl which has a younger brother who has moved from Padang to Medan. In Padang, the boy was studying in a school which have standard facilities, but when he was moving to Medan, he got a famous school which has full facilities. Do you know what the boy said? The boy said that he did not get anything since he just entered his new school in Medan. He said to his parents that he got nothing on his new school. In his new school, he looked that every day; his time in school is just like in kindergarten. There is no teacher, there is no successor teacher, and there is no study. From that article, I strongly believe that complete school facilities are not the foundation of students’ quality. I wish to talk about the factors which are involving students’ quality. I also would like to talk about the most essentials aspect that students need to have high quality.

Monday 4 June 2012

Sentuhan Indah itu Bernama Cinta (Resensi)

Judul buku: Sentuhan Indah itu Bernama Cinta
Pengarang: Mira W.
Penerbit: PT. Gramedia Pustaka
Tempat terbit: Jakarta
Tahun terbit: 2007
Cetakan ke-: 2 
Jumlah halaman: 304 halaman                                                        
     Mira W. adalah pengarang novel remaja yang sangat terkenal. Novel-novel yang pernah ia buat antara lain, Masih Ada Kereta yang Akan Lewat, Obsesi Sang Narsis, Bukan Istri Pengganti, Cinta Tak Pernah Berulang, dan lain sebagainya. Ciri khas yang selalu ada dalam novel karangannya yaitu, gambar bunga yang menghiasi cover bukunya.
     Novel ini menceritakan tentang kisah cinta dua orang anak SD, yaitu Ferel dan Tara. Setiap hari mereka jalani dengan penuh suka cita. Hingga pada suatu waktu, Ferel sang cowok mengalami pelecehan seksual oleh pamannya.

Tuesday 8 May 2012

Dating among Young People

          Dating? Who don’t know what dating is? I think everybody knew about dating. Teenagers must know what dating is. Dating is a simple thing but parents didn’t think like that.

"Ortu Kenapa, Sih?" (Book Review)

          The book which has a suggestion or a solution to solve the problem is very important for everyone who gets difficulty to find out the problem solving of their problem.

Malin Kundang

                Once upon a time, there lived a poor happy family that lived in one of beach in Sumatera. They have a son, named Malin Kundang. One day, Malin’s father wanted to go to the city because he want to find a better job and he hope, he will get much money when he came back. But in fact, Malin’s father did not come back. Malin and his mother were so sad.